Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgments


  1. Mrs.Pritchard,

    As you said on my blog, we have many similarities. We both grew up in London and around the Covent Garden. I also worked under David Garrick and performed at Drury Lane. I am quite the comedic also. In fact, David Garrick named me the greatest comedic of all time! Even though I've never seen you perform, I'm sure that you were a great comedic also.

    Even though we are both actors, I started out acting. I was in an opera, Love in a Village, but I had a speaking only role. It was probably for the better! My family wasn't in the acting business at all. My father was a chairman and my mother was a vendor. Even though we were great performers, I'm sure you weren't forgetting chunks of lines and upchucking on stage.

    You seem like a very interesting performer, maybe when I'm rehearsing one day I'll come see you perform!

  2. Ms. Pritchard! I have so been looking forward to getting a chance to write to you! You seem like a lovely women and I am so excited to get to know you.
    We have so much in common. We are both English. We are both actresses. We both married actors. And we both of course, love what we do!
    But we do have some differences. For one, I also am a writer and you are not. You also had a child and I did not. You are also a singer and I am not.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  3. Bonjour Mademoiselle Pritchard,

    Je m'appelle Étienne-Nicholas Méhul. I am a French Composer. It was a pleasure reading about you and all of your achievments. Sometimes it is hard to relate to actors/actresses, but, if I say so myself, we do have things in common! I have seemed to notice that both of our teachers, or socalled mentors, played a big role in our lives. If it weren't for our teachers were would we be now? They have taught us so much, well for moi I belive that they have. For you David Garrick influenced your talent as a comedic actress right? For moi, if it weren't for my poor blind organist I would of never have gotten started in what I love so dearly. You and I were some of the first people to lead change in our arts! It feels great doesn't it? You allowed people to see that women were actually valued as talented artists, and I was the first French composer to be called romantic!

    Although we have similarities, Oui, we also have our differences. Our particular style that we created using our beloved arts were completly different. I loved creating things that created more of a dramaatic emotion, while you created laughter and comedy. I express myself through musical pieces while you use words to create emotion. I also had multiple teachers to creat great musical perspectives.

    I would of loved to see one of your performances with your cherished friend David Garrick, and I admire your passion for the arts!


  4. Buon giorno, come stai? Mrs. Pritchard it was wonderful to read about you. I feel that our families were somehow similar since arts were a tradition that was followed by generations. You and I were always taking inspiration from our families to put it on our careers. Also we both know how it feels that your children want to follow your steps as an artist and we put high expectations on them. So I can relate to you in that. Even just the fact that we were both great performers makes us similar and as you previously said on my blog we were both artists that made great contributions to our art fields.
    Even so we do have differences. The obvious one is that I am a dancer and choreographer and you are an actress. Also that you are from England and I am from Italy. Another obvious difference is that… well I am not a woman so I can’t relate to you when you said that one of your biggest hardships was being a woman.
    I very much admire the fact that you are a very strong woman, and I would have loved to see one of your performances.

    -Filippo Taglioni

  5. As you may know we both are involved with the theatre. That is amazing! We came into our arts in the same, which was the revolutionary era. Me and you also are not fans of the depressing work that saddens you like other artists in our time. We enjoy creating happy, enjoyable works that make you feel nice.
    You are actor and I am a play-write. Actors perform What we play-write write for them. So technically we play-writes are the building blocks for actors. Without us, you wouldn’t have anything to perform, you would just be doing what we theatre people call improv, just saying... Although we play-writes don’t have to get in front of hundreds of people all the time, you do. I will give you credit for that, it takes some real guts, and I applaud you. Lastly, you are British and I’m not... we have different backgrounds.
    Even though we are from different places I believe you are very talented at what you do just like I am. Looking forward to having a discussion with you! Tootles!

  6. Hello Mrs.Pritchard, it is wonderful to meet you. I am sorry to say I have never heard about you. But I have recently learned alittle. Similar to you I am married with a fairly large family. I have six children as you do 4. I am not an actor my passion in in piano. None of my children followed me into piano but it is fantastic that two of your did. Oh, and I see me and your husband shsame first name. I heaar you are truly passionate about you artistic talent as am I. You seem to know where you want to be considering most of your family is in the acting business. I started on my own. Mrs.Pritchard you seem very intiresting and I would love to hear from you.

    Sincerly, Mr.William Billings.

  7. Dear Mr Pritchard,
    I have read about you and I have noticed we haved alot in common. One thing is that we both come from acting families. Although, you had many more actors in your family. I only had my parents. Also, we were part of the same time period. We lived in a time were women were now allowed to be on stage and werent just sex objects. I agree with you, rape scenes are utterly terrible. We also had roles we were most famous for yours being in Macbeth and mine being in Pamela.
    But, we also have some different things about us. One is that you had a mentor and I didnt. Also, you married at a young age and I waited a while. Also, one obvious difference is that you are a British actress, and I am a French actress. Well that is all.


  8. Hello there Mrs. Pritchard i enjoyed reading over your interviewand found we have some things in common. Just like you my siblings were very involved with eachothers work. For example my sister and cousins were opera sings me as well and we toured together. Another thing we have in common is our passion for our art form, I see your husband inspired you very much and my first husband who was also my mentor inspired me very much. Our husbands were in the same art career as we which i find great and interesting! You say you have 14 children? Well thats art itself being able to go through it! I of course only had 2 beautiful daughters.

    You and I differ from eachother also. I express myself through the beautiful form of my body movements and you express yourself through clever words and playing roles of others. I commend them both, dance and acting. Acting seems delightful to perform. I unlike yourself married my mentor, im not ashamed either he was my first love and opened my eyes to new and exciting things. Taught me alot of things also.Your parents werent apart of your success, mine had a significant role in my choice to become a dancer. They wanted me to be a singer like my other family members.

    Anyways i enjoyed speaking with you. It still amazes me that you birthed 14! Thats crazy, but i admire your hard work without your parents support and wish you and your family the best!
